Friday 7 May 2010


In order to make the sequence be more believable, props that would be used in real life were included in the shots. 

One example is the use of a drug package. This was used in the drug exchange part of the trailer to show something physical being transferred over. This was simply made by wrapping a wallet in tin foil, which gave the effect of being a drug package.

Another prop used was the guns. This is a highly common factor in all crime genres, as it re-asserts force and authority. In the filming we used two guns, one was used by the leader of one gang and the other was used by the friend of the guy in the other gang. In a couple of the shots, this gun is shown firing at someone, which lets the audience know that there is going to be some action involved in the film. 

A mobile phone was also used in the sequence. This was to show a match on action from the guy calling to the other guy picking up. Having this shows the modern day society, where technology is a highly recognized aspect, this separates the older crime films to the modern ones. 

These props listed above are the main 3 that have been used to convey a modern day crime genre, as they represent both the fear associated with guns, but they also show the modern day technology. 

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