Friday 7 May 2010

Risk Assessment

Before filming started it was important to carry out a risk assessment. This was significant because if any our scenes contained potentially dangerous acts or actions, we would have to assess how to carry it out safely.

There was no particularly dangerous scenes in the teaser trailer, but there were some aspects to the filming we had to think about. Pete had to film a shot from a high position,to acheive an establishing shot of a complete urban area. This meant we would have to find a safe place that the camera could be taken too,which allowed a good high angle shot. Therefore Pete found a place at the top of some stairs, which was safe enough to shoot the clip, and had safety railings around it.

Another point we had to include in the risk assessment was how we were going to get around using a gun in the teaser trailer. Obviously we could not use a real gun as you have to have a license, and using one in public was not an option. Therefore we opted to use a fake 'BB' gun, that would still look believable enough. Their was still a risk that using a fake, yet believable gun in public could cause to distress to passers by. Yet we were able to overcome the risk of distress to the public by shooting the two gun clips in an empty alleyway, and a tunnel. Both times we filmed these clips we made sure there was nobody passing by, who could get the wrong impression.

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